This trip report comes from our Auckland based Kayak fishing team Andrew & Brad, otherwise known as the Viking NZBlokes, it is there account of the 2 recent events in the Coromandel, the Viking Invitational & Coromandel Gold rush.
Finally the time had come for the Viking Invitational and the Coromandel Goldrush, 1st competition in the NZ Kayak Fishing Series competing as The Viking NZBlokes. Myself and Pointloader (Brad Harris) headed down to Coromandel Thursday morning. We were staying at Waitete Bay with the Viking Maniyaks in a very nice bach just across the road from the shotgun start for the Viking Invitational.
Rigged up the kayaks Thursday night and had a nice relaxed start to the day on Friday wheeling the kayaks across the road with the C-Tug Canoe & Kayak Trolley. Friday’s fishing proved difficult with multiple 25 – 35cm Snapper being caught and got to the stage where it was starting to get annoying when looking for the big guys. Nothing of size caught and not able to hook up on any Kahawai we didn’t measure anything in.
Bit of socializing at prize giving for the Viking Invitational and briefing for the Coro Goldrush then off to bed for another shot gun start for Goldrush the next morning. Saturday morning it was great to see so many kayaks lined up along the beach at Papa Aroha. Again fishing was hard being plagued with pannies. Luckily in the afternoon I found a semi decent fish that ended up weighing 3.6kg leaving the day not being a total loss.
Sunday we decided to head north with an early start listening to the All Blacks game in the car for the drive. Got on the water at 6am and went out deep. Pointloader came across some Kingi sign and managed to Jig up a respectable 9.88kg Kingi. By 10am I was sitting in my kayak feeling pretty sad for myself with no fish being landed all morning when the lazy rod holder reel started screaming. After a hard fight a nice 6.44kg Snapper came to the surface and into the net.
With the Kingi and the Snapper The Viking NZBlokes took out the team section and Pointloader took out heaviest Kingfish. As always a great time had by all and we are really looking forward to the next event.